All interest groups are organized by the IWC’s members for the IWC’s members!

Interest groups are formed each club year according to IWC members’ interests, as well as the availability of group leaders.

All our interest groups are for free, only payments for material costs are involved.


Interest groups are open to all members. Only current IWC members that are in the possession of a valid membership badge may sign up for and attend interest groups meetings. If you are not a member, please




Most groups run from the beginning of September until June.

If you are willing to share your knowledge, skill, hobby, interest, and time with other IWC members by starting a new interest group please contact our interest groups coordinator (

If you want to join some of the current interest groups, please email the interest group coordinator ( for obtaining the contact information of the group leader.

Find here the  IWC interest groups list of the 2021/2022 IWC season:

February 2025