Why & How become our partner

 To reach our Charity goals and help as many people as possible, we need the help of all those who can and want to contribute to the good of the disadvantaged.

Whoever you are: Company, Restaurant, Beauty Salon, Hairdresser,Tourist guide, Gym etc…, You can make the difference!




Following you can find outlines how you can be one of our valuable partners and your generous contributions to fundrising events will go straight into our Charity Program:

  1. You can take part for our annual fundrising charity event, The Winter Bazaar, usually helding in November
  2. You can take part in our other fundrising charity events such as concerts, Embassy Dinnar and Ball etc;
  3. You can attend our sign-up session at Meet & Greet meetings (usually half yearly in February and annual in September), by invitation
  4. You can participate by conytributing to Raffle gifts at our charity events
  5. You can make a special agreement to promote your Company through our social media (facebookInstagram) and the website
  6. You can make a special corporate agreement with member benefit such as discounts or free event access

Our Partnership chair  is glad to aswer your questions, please write here to  iwcpartnership@gmail.com and ask more and more informations.