Home All Events Business Lunch Group

Business Lunch Group

Day and time: Wednesday or Thursday, once a month, from 1:00 pm

Location: Varies

Short description of the activity:

Dear friends, we are happy to introduce our interest group called Business Lunch. The concept of the group is to socialize, make new friends among members of IWC and explore Moscow.

There are numerous good restaurants offering lunches held between 12:00 – 16:00 with fixed menu and prices during the working days of the week, the range of the price is between 600 -1000 rubles. The year before lockdown we enjoyed lunches in such places as Pushkin Café,

Black Thai, Nuebo, Karlson and many others. Every month we look for and find new places with local or international cuisine, nice atmosphere and design of the restaurant. Our interest is in trying new places that we can return there on other occasions with our families and friends.

We will do new registration of the members to the group this year, as a lot of our friends are relocated to other countries. We will make a group called Business Lunch on What’s up and there will place the announcements of our scheduled Lunches, this way it is easy to get organized all together and be up to date if any changes. We make pictures of us during the event and later also share them with each other.

We would be happy to see you this year! And start meeting up again!

All we need at times is inspiration and friendship!

And good food!

The event is finished.


Nov 20 2023


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Next Occurrence

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