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IWE create a new path: Well-being at 360°

Before March 2020, attending social events and being able to do anything of interest was simple and easy. We were able to travel, involve ourselves with a lot of interesting activities or even join social clubs as IWC having fun and increasing our friendships


Now lot of things are changed. Movement was restricted and a lot of activities has been stopped due to The Covid-19 pandemic. Anxiety grew due to uncertainty of the future and often the physical health is affected as social interactions are being restricted. You can imagine how holistically: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and financial aspects of a human being has been affected. We need to function as normal, finding a new life paths.

We have the chance to create a new path with  our IWE Zoom  meeting, indeed we are going to approach the most topics around Well-being in 360° starting from October 2020 going till May 2021. We wish that through these events, can allow each of us to express and share their difficulties connected to this historical moment with the aim of finding and rediscovering greater serenity accompanied by more knowledge, more awareness that every things will be back normal soon!!


Now, how can we in the midst of this pandemic, refocuses our attention to "SELF", to do things for ourselves through Self-love, Self-care and Self-discovery. Thinking about it, there is lot we can do to achieve these.

Let’s discover all together HOW CAN WE DO IT, join our IWE Zoom meetings. The next one will be in October 26th at 7pm: Finding the Light in Unsettling Times, our  amazing Speaker, Nicky Torode, creative writer for well-being courses for adult learning centres will talk about the benefits of writing for wellbeing.


Let’s discover her on International Women’s Club IWE group, where we can chat and discuss about all the meetings topics we are going to do and we’ve done!!


Mashikoane Mohuba

IWE International Women's Club chair

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