Home All Events Russia Literature & Lunch Group

Russia Literature & Lunch Group

Day and time: twice a month, on the first and third Tuesdays, 12.30-15.00

Location: All group members take turns to host

Short description of the activity:

Have you ever thought: here I am in Moscow and maybe I could read some of that Russian literature I hear so much about?

The IWC Russian literature and lunch group has thrived for more than 20 years. The secret: we help each other discover great work, and we also have lunch. The joy of an international group is that we share our very different experiences and perspectives as we explore Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, but also the challenges of the Soviet Era and contemporary writing.

We read one book a month, and we meet twice a month. The first Tuesday is a visit to give some background on the book. For instance, for the book “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,” we visited Solzhenitsyn’s house museum and his grave at the Donskoi Monastery. The third Tuesday is when we discuss the book and the hostess treats us to a light lunch. Lunch is simple e.g., soup, salad, and a dessert. The aim is that the host is not slaving over a hot stove and can join in the discussion.

The discussions are carried out in English, but of course everyone is free to read the book at home in whatever language they choose (some do so in Russian).

The event is finished.


Sep 15 2022


12:30 am - 12:30 am



Next Occurrence

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